Sunday, 12 April 2015

Design Development - Critical Review

After I finished the CAD model, I step back and look at my design in the context and feels like I'm not answering my topic. The core concept is to showcase the Gowanus Canal through arts and nature, my current concept shows connect to natures but not art, nor the harmony between them. I decided stop developing the design for now, and rethink what was my approach to the condition I mapped, and how can I capture it through the design. 

So what is "showcase Gowanus Canal through art and nature"? I think it's like looking from the building and you will see a different Gowanus than the one people knew; a Gowanus without polluted canal and industrial building once was abandoned but now occupied by nature and artist in harmony.

I want to design a building that curates the story of community change in Gowanus through experience. So I'm thinking instead of having a huge building in the middle of the oasis with bridges joining three sides, I should have buildings along the canal. So that people travel through the building will experience the community change, a different aspect of Gowanus Canal.

Re-Identify Issues, Opportunities and My Approaches


  • The area is separated by the canal with very limited connections, most of the roads are cut off apart from few bridges
  • There are large numbers of vacant / abandoned buildings, under-used buildings, empty sites and carparks
  • The current situation of the canal is.....very very bad....polluted and smells so bad that people avoid the canal
  • The economy in this area was based on industrial-related works; but has been in decline since the major ones withdrawn from Gowanus nearly half decade ago


  • A lot of historical building that will attract tourists, or can create activities like tour, etc.
  • The whole site is well accessible with the public transport and also bicycle path
  • Rising number in artists since ArtGowanus started, and they consistently host events to attract more artists into this area
  • Because of the canal, people around the area has high awareness of sustainability; this can be found from the stakeholders' research (Most of them discussed about sustainable-related issues)


  • I want to use art as an alternative income for Gowanus area, to replace the industrial-based economy.  This can be achieved by providing 'whole packages' for the artists; accommodations, studio space, galleries, education institutes and even job opportunities
  • Reuse abandoned / vacant and under used areas so that no space is wasted.  Because the plan is to boost the economy based on arts, which then encourage developers to invest in the areas (Developing accommodations, open shops, etc.
  • Create connection to all side and join them together
  • Upgrade the polluted canal into tourist hotspot, urban oasis, etc.


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